26 February 2025
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ISL Holiday Camps
The ISL Holiday Camps are dedicated to delivering safe, fun, and stimulating holiday experiences in the outdoors.
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ISL Holiday Camps
The ISL Holiday Camps are dedicated to delivering safe, fun, and stimulating holiday experiences in the outdoors.
Blog CampsParents
Each year, we reassess the composition of the homerooms as students move forward into the next school year. Our goal is to create the best possible learning environment in balanced homerooms. When deciding upon the composition, we take into account the following factors:
We will soon start working on next year’s groupings, and part of the process will involve asking the students for their input. Additionally, as parents and guardians, should you have a serious concern about your child’s placement, please email either David Harrison for the Middle School, and/ or Sarah Gifford for the High School. We listen carefully to each input; however, in the end, we make decisions that we think are the best educationally when all factors are taken into account.
Class lists take considerable time to put together and involve the input of the homeroom teachers, year level leaders, and principals. Once they are internally finalised, they are difficult to alter. For this reason, we ask that any serious concerns be addressed to the relevant principal by Wednesday 5 June.
Simon Foley
Secondary School Principal