
PYP Exhibition 2022 (PYPx)

Written by Alex Boucher | May 31, 2022 10:35:00 AM

On 19 May, our Year 6 families and guests gathered on campus to celebrate the end of the 2022 PYP Exhibition. It had been a while since we were last able to gather in person for this momentous occasion, and the excitement in the Primary School hallways was palpable as our Year 6 students shared their knowledge and showed off their action projects and creations. We are pleased to share with International School of Lausanne community the opportunity to have a look back at the festivities, through the Virtual PYPx Celebration. We invite you to wander around the websites, where the Year 6 students have gathered their PYPx speeches, an original written piece, and an outline of their action project. Be sure to check out the songs composed and performed by the students, under the expert guidance of the primary school music teachers, Ms. Macoskey and Mr. Odling.



The PYP Exhibition is the capstone project for children in the PYP. For the past 9 weeks, students have been deeply engaged in individually developed Units of Inquiry focused on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Guided by their classroom teachers and mentors from across the school, Year 6 students applied the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they have learnt during their time in the Primary School, culminating in taking action to help make a positive impact on the issues they have researched.



We would like to extend a special thank you to the International School of Lausanne community for their support during the process; the contributions of parents and teachers really helps to make the exhibition process a powerful learning experience for students.