
Paying tribute to Johan Masure

Written by ISL | Aug 10, 2021 8:29:00 AM

Johan Masure passed away on Thursday 5 August 2021.

Johan and his family have been deeply involved in the school.  Johan was a Board member and then Chair of the Board, his wife is currently a member of the school’s health staff, and both their sons graduated from ISL.  Johan had a quiet humility coupled with a drive to do things well, a belief in the importance of consensus, and a commitment to the school.  He will be greatly missed.


The Johan Masure Award


This year the Johan Masure award was introduced at ISL, an award which recognises a student who has acted in a way that leads them to be an inspiration to others.


Numerous students were nominated for a wide range of reasons:


for standing up for each other

for speaking out, for helping and supporting others
for optimism and positivity in the face of exceptional difficulty.


The award is named after Johan Masure, a parent at ISL who has contributed widely and positively to the school community in a number of ways. He is the father of two graduates of ISL, Frederik and Arthur, was a Board Member, and Board Chair from 2015 to 2020. Johan passed away on Thursday 5 August 2021.