Alumni and Friends
14 February 2025
From ISL to Cambridge: A Conversation with Alumna Sofia Cornu
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ISL Holiday Camps
The ISL Holiday Camps are dedicated to delivering safe, fun, and stimulating holiday experiences in the outdoors.
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ISL Holiday Camps
The ISL Holiday Camps are dedicated to delivering safe, fun, and stimulating holiday experiences in the outdoors.
Blog CampsParents
15 May 2020 by ISL
A special and exciting week for ISL. For the first time in seven weeks, the campus is lively and vibrant again. ISL gradually started re-opening its door for students from R3 to Year 10. Our students came to school in half classes and on alternate days. ISL has decided to maintain the remote learning structure. Students at home, and students in the classrooms receive lessons online. A move back to full classes and in-class learning will happen on 25 May for students in R4 to Year 10. From 8 June our oldest students (Years 11 and 12) will also return to school.
Enjoy reading through this blog post, seeing photos of happy students back at school and others working very hard from home.
Due to the circumstances, new safety measures have been put into place all around school. Regular handwashing, enhanced cleaning, signage to maintain the social distance and much more. All students and staff members have done an excellent job respecting these measures. Well done to everyone!
Have a look at a few of our back to school photos here:
If you would like to know more about the current procedures, please have a look at our Policy and Procedures document or on our website.
Most of our primary school students returned to school on alternating days in half classes this week. Our students were very happy to see their teachers and of course their friends again after a long two months. This first week back included playtime with friends, Google Meet meetings with their remote classmates and of course school lessons!
Have a look here, a great music lesson last Monday.
Students working hard in French class and later building mazes with their friends.
Students this week were not extremely lucky with playing outside due to the weather, but they did however enjoy their indoor recess as you can see below:
Our secondary school students also enjoyed returning to school, seeing their friends and teachers, and learning in a classroom instead of in their homes. In secondary school the importance of homeroom sessions remain. Teachers are also delivering homeroom sessions on a hybrid basis at the moment, with students alternating between homeroom in person at school, and remotely at home. This helps ISL maintain the delivery of our SEL (Social and Emotional Learning programme). Below a photo of Year 8 homeroom. For them, this week’s focus has been on dealing with change, appreciating what we can and cannot control and how we emotionally deal with frustrations.
Additionally, students shared their school closure experience in their French "Journal Intime" writing assignments. Have a read in French, how one of our Year 7 students felt on Friday 13 March.
Make sure to keep an eye out for ISL's Instagram and Facebook posts. Here, we share activities for at home, photos of the week, and of course the two Guess Who posts.
The ISL PTA Facebook closed group is a great place to share your ideas and recommendations with others. Members of the ISL community have been sharing all kind of tips with each other from where to find fabric masks, books to possible vegetable box orders. Find this week's greatest tips below:
Three pages on the website aim to share what we are currently doing, and to help you through these challenging times. The ISL's response to the coronavirus page groups together key information. There you will also be able to find the new policies and procedures created by the school's leadership for the transition from remote learning back to on campus learning. The Remote Learning page describes how we are structuring our learning environment and lastly, the Life at home with kids page gives you fun tips and advice for activities at home, working from home, and much more.
We would love to receive some of your remote learning photos, videos, tips, resources or recommendations. Please send them here.
Alumni and Friends
14 February 2025
From ISL to Cambridge: A Conversation with Alumna Sofia Cornu
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
31 January 2025
Celebrating Global Traditions: Our Winter Door Decorating Challenge
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Secondary School
09 December 2024
Be the Change Week 2024: Empowering Students to Make a Difference
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