Alumni and Friends
14 February 2025
From ISL to Cambridge: A Conversation with Alumna Sofia Cornu
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ISL Holiday Camps
The ISL Holiday Camps are dedicated to delivering safe, fun, and stimulating holiday experiences in the outdoors.
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ISL Holiday Camps
The ISL Holiday Camps are dedicated to delivering safe, fun, and stimulating holiday experiences in the outdoors.
Blog CampsParents
9 April 2020 by ISL
Four weeks of remote learning have gone by quickly. Every member of the community, students, staff members and parents have all done a great job in staying positive, working hard and making the best of this situation. As weeks 5 and 6 will be spent at home on holiday, we have prepared a list of 20 fun activities to do at home, compiled from the members of our community.
Enjoy your well-deserved holidays, share your favourite photos, videos, and activities by sending us an email.
The end of our fourth week of remote learning. Students and teachers alike will breathe a sigh of collective relief as we head into the break. It is not that teaching and learning cannot be done this way, indeed anyone who has done some distance study knows that it is possible to learn and succeed independently. However if you think back to your school days, while what you remember most may be mastering a particular challenge, it is more likely to be meeting a lifelong friend. Schools are incredibly social, human places and are just as much to do with our identity as part of a larger group as our achievements as individuals.
Today is also the day of the final assembly for Year 13 students. The final days of school are often ‘exciting’ times for members of staff in the high school, despite our students being charming, good-humoured and respectful. There is always a small frisson of worry in the morning. What will they come up with today? And do I need to wear easily washable clothes? In the event, today students will celebrate at a distance and it will not be the 'traditional' end of school. Going back to my first point, what will be exactly the same and just as much in evidence, however, will be the collective care for, and pride in, our students. There will be speeches and time for reflection on the way this group of young people has helped to shape the school; the assembly will end, as it usually does, with the premiere of the traditional video that members of staff make for them. It’s not a normal way to end a term but, we hope, no less special because of it.
Big smiles and hello from all of us!
Second Middle School Assembly - hear beautiful music by students, see great videos, learn about the student competitions, and much more below...
Our Year 13 students completed their very last week of school. Thursday, ISL organised a great online celebration for the class of 2020 students, which included this great leavers video from staff members:
The Middle School challenge was all about an Act of Kindness, or a Good Deed. Have a look at some of the great initiatives taken by the students, for example, cooking for their families, walking dogs, calling their grandparents, and much more.
The section below is dedicated to sharing resources and recommendations within the community. Below, you will find all sorts of activities you can complete at home with your family during the holidays. Enjoy exploring art, workouts, ways in which you can help others, travel the world from your home, and much more.
A holiday challenge for you! We would like to ask all members of the community to participate in the whole school ISL Community Challenge. Unfortunately, travelling to see family, friends, to go skiing or to the beach is not possible now. However, it is possible to make people believe you are enjoying a holiday, by taking a creative photo at home. See some examples below, and try creating your best picture/ video. Be as creative as possible, and be safe of course. Share your "On-Holiday" photos by email, Facebook or Instagram using #onholidayISL".
Have a look at our Life at Home with Kids page on the ISL website for many more links. Here you will find lists of activities for at home, local activities, French activities and much more.
Happy Easter! Enjoy your holidays and if you would like to share any tips, resources, recommendations, videos or photos, please write to us.
Alumni and Friends
14 February 2025
From ISL to Cambridge: A Conversation with Alumna Sofia Cornu
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
31 January 2025
Celebrating Global Traditions: Our Winter Door Decorating Challenge
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Secondary School
09 December 2024
Be the Change Week 2024: Empowering Students to Make a Difference
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