It is important to encourage the students to eat a well-balanced meal and to develop healthy eating habits. At ISL, we allow students to bring their packed lunch or we provide optional hot meals at lunchtime.

Novae, a local catering company of excellent repute, provides nutritious meals at competitive prices. Learn more about Novae here!


Our Menu of the Day was awarded the Fait Maison* label. A dish is considered Fait Maison “Homemade” if it is cooked entirely on-site from raw products or products traditionally used in the kitchen.

A full menu includes a starter, a main dish, and a dessert. Students who are still hungry after eating their menu can ask to be served a second helping of the same menu. Students only need to go to the self-service area and ask the cafeteria staff.

Primary School

Subscriptions for the cafeteria hot lunches are made online and can be contracted for specific days of the week. A trial week is also available upon request for students who wish to experience the cafeteria service before registering.

Students are served the Menu of the Day at the cafeteria at table during two sittings with the following costs:

  • Reception 3 and Reception 4 menu: CHF 9.00
  • Years 1 to Year 6 menu: CHF 11.50

Students who have signed up for cafeteria hot lunches are provided with a picnic when they leave on a day excursion.

Reception 3 and 4 classes operate a morning snack system whereby parents supply a snack for the whole class on a rota basis. However, in Years 1 to 6, students should bring their own morning snack.

Secondary School

Students are provided with a cafeteria card when they enter Secondary School. This card is credited by parents using an online account. Students then use the card to purchase items from the cafeteria.

Students have access to the cafeteria during the morning recess and at lunchtime during two sittings. For lunch, they can purchase a full menu for the price of CHF 13.00, or just the main dish for CHF 10.00.

The students have access to the self-service area and have the choice of three menus: Menu of the Day, Around the World and Contemporary. A vegetarian option is offered as part of at least one of the menus. Additionally, a salad buffet is available, priced in terms of weight, as well as a sandwich bar. Healthy snacks, like fresh fruits, yogurts, bakery products, and cereal bars are sold in the cafeteria.

During morning and lunch recesses, Years 12 and Year 13 students also have access to the South Building Café which provides take-away meals and snacks.


Cristina Correia:

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