HIIT Training Sessions:

HIIT type training is often touted as effective for weight loss. It has the advantage of reducing the duration of sports sessions, while promoting bodybuilding and good physical shape.

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Offered by personal trainer Stephane Tchino:

My name is Stephane TCHINO, and I would like to share with you the story of my journey, from my early days on the basketball courts to my current role as a motivating and inspiring coach. My adventure began on the basketball courts and ended on the athletics tracks, where I experienced the highs and lows of high-level sports. Every competition, every training session, every moment of doubt and triumph shaped me as a person. I learned discipline, rigour, and determination, values ​​that not only helped me excel as an athlete but also became the foundation of my life philosophy.

After hanging up my sneakers, I felt a calling to share what I had learned. It was the beginning of my coaching career. With over 5 years of experience now, I have had the privilege of guiding many individuals to their own peaks. My goal has always been simple: to motivate, inspire, and support. What sets my approach apart is listening. I firmly believe that each person is unique and that to help them reach their full potential, understanding them is key. Therefore, I adopt diverse approaches, customising each programme and approach to meet the specific needs of each individual. Every day, I am motivated by the desire to see my clients succeed.

Stephane Tchinotchinotraining@gmail.com